OPTICS Innovative Technology Solution For PDPM

OPTICS Innovative Technology Solution For PDPM

To All Executive Teams in Long Term Care/Continuing Care Facilities,

Reimbursement is under attack!  PDPM case mix groups and speech therapy are being highly scrutinized due to a 1.7 billion over budget neutrality that will get taken back through some phase in scenario making it all that more important to really know how to accurately navigate PDPM.

Keep that appropriate, optimized reimbursement that you have worked so hard for by ensuring a collaborative process to ensure PDPM information, coding accuracy and supporting documentation to back it all up.
The “My MDS does all of our PDPM” and “My clinical team does not have time for collaborating or for using a PDPM software” mantra has to change.

MDS staff are leaving in droves for consulting work. Don’t lose good staff! Relieve the added workload stress of your MDS team by halting back-end information gathering and MDS re-work. OPTICS interoperates with most EMR systems. In providing your team with OPTICS, an easy to use, best practice, efficient, collaborative, front end resource for PDPM you will actually save your team valuable time that could be used for more patient-facing activities.

The lowest rate of improvement clients have seen with implementing OPTICS is 3% in increased Medicare Part A reimbursement! And yes, your facility could see more!

  • OPTICS is our easy to use, web-based Solution to optimize your appropriate PDPM Medicare Part A reimbursement 
  • OPTICS innovation enables you to see all work in real-time for all PDPM information including reimbursement
  • OPTICS also includes a comprehensive reporting section for PDPM information including reimbursement
  • OPTICS PDPM Coach guides your clinical team and promotes:
    • best practice clinical collaboration (including practitioners) for optimal clinical  information completion.
    • identification and accuracy of active diagnosis and primary diagnosis capture.
    • accuracy of case mix scoring
    • identification of potential missed reimbursement opportunities

 Learn more about OPTICS

For information on Continuing Care & Long Term Care and how we can help your organization, please reach out to our Senior Director:

Michael F. Masse, OTR/L

mmasse(at)microscopeHC.com / 607.316.6576

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